We are excited to announce the Auto-Test Pressure Switch (ATPS), the latest addition to its …
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St. Louis, MO 63043
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St. Louis, MO 63042
We are excited to introduce our new training hub, Potter Academy. Through Potter Academy, you will be able to access hundreds of bite sized self-paced training modules, earn CPDs, and deepen your industry and product knowledge – all for free!
We are excited to announce the Auto-Test Pressure Switch (ATPS), the latest addition to its …
Potter announces the appointment of Roel Vestjens as Chief Executive Officer and member of …
What People Are Saying About Working With Potter
We are sorry to hear of the passing of our longtime CEO Joseph Trigg, the grandson of Potter Electric founder, Charles Edward Potter. Trigg passed away Saturday, December 3, 2022, at the age of 87. Trigg contributed to many areas within Potter, including a variety of roles in sales, operations, and manufacturing management over the course of his 40-year tenure. Trigg led us to the 100th anniversary of Potter’s founding in 1998 before taking a well-earned retirement. Trigg’s contributions to the company, and the culture within, will not be forgotten.
Please take a moment to stop by his legacy page to see his full obituary:
Joseph Trigg Obituary (1935 - 2022)
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