Training Videos

Choose from one of our available training video topics:

AFC Series Hardware


Overview of the AFC series control panels and some of the features.

P-Link Devices

Introduces all the P-Link (RS-485) panel accessories.


Covers the installation, wiring and setup of the PSN-1000 power supply.

P-Link Installation

Covers installation and wiring of all the P-Link panel accessories.

PAD SLC Detectors & Bases

Introduces all the SLC detectors and bases.

SLC Modules

Introduces all the SLC modules.

SLC Installation

Covers the installation and wiring of all SLC detectors, bases, and modules.

Output & Input Configuration

Learn how all the I/Os and I circuits can be individually configured as outputs and inputs.


Covers the P-Comm connections including email and reporting.

AFC Series Software


Overview of the AFC Series programming software and its features.

Remote Access

Learn how to change the upload/download user name.

Job Details

Add job information or service contact information to emails, reports, and the software.

General Options

Set up system wide settings, customize the LCD screen, and much more.


Quickly set up a schedule for day/night sensitivity.

Email Reporting

Set up to 20 email addresses to receive statuses and reports from the panel.

Email Reminders

Create up to 8 different scheduled emails for reminders, monthly reports, and more.


Customize 10 different keypad user codes.

LAN Settings

Assign a static IP to the panel as well as other LAN settings.


Configure the UD-1000 for reporting to a central station.

IP Reporting

Configure the on-board P-Comm for IP communication to a central station.

P-Link Devices

Covers all the different accessory devices that connect to the P-Link connection.


Configure and name points on the SLC, power supplies, and P-Link devices.

Zones Programming

Covers zone settings and zone page layout.

Panel Start-up

Learn how to start up a system, connect to a panel, and upload the program.

Integrated Voice Training

Activating Non-Voice Outputs When Paging

Programming non-voice outputs to activate with paging on an Integrated Voice system.

Integrated Voice Hardware

The hardware components that comprise an Integrated Voice System.

Integrated Voice Wiring

Covers the installation and wiring of an Integrated Voice System.


Covers the FFT-1000 Firefighter Telephone system installation and wiring.

General Options and Devices

Covers the software programming General Options tab as well as individual IV devices.

Audio Patterns and Priority

Covers creating an Audio Pattern and assigning priority in the Programmer Software.

Points and Zones

Covers the Points and Zones Tab in relation to Integrated Voice Systems using the Programmer Software.

Network Paging & Message Launching

How to program paging and ECS message launching over a Potter peer-to-peer network.


IntelliCom Account Creation

Creating an account enables you to efficiently enroll radios and oversee deployed units

Adding a Central Station

Outlines the stages to adding a chosen central station, necessary for each IntelliCom account

IntelliView Account Setup

An overview of the steps involved in establishing an IntelliView account

Register an IntelliCom

A guide through the complete procedure for registering an IntelliCom Advanced Gateway.

IntelliCom Registration in IntelliView

Add IntelliCom to IntelliView and begin using the services.

Remote Access and Programming

Advanced functionalities of IntelliCom when paired with the configuration tool, plus panel backups and remote panel programming

IntelliCom Commissioning

A live demonstration illustrating the complete process of commissioning an IntelliCom Advanced Gateway

IntelliView Training


This video provides an overview of the IntelliView software and its capabilities.


This video demonstrates how to install the IntelliView software.


This video demonstrates how to register the IntelliView software.

Adding Panels

This video demonstrates how to add a panel to the IntelliView software.


This video discusses the licensing options available for the IntelliView software.

Walk Test with Test & Inspect Report

How to perform a walk test and make a supplemental test report for use with NFPA 72 Test & Inspect reports using Potter IntelliView

IntelliView and the Potter Panel Programmer

How to use the IntelliView cloud features within the Potter Fire Panel Programmer software (v. 9 and higher)

PFC-4064 Training


Overview of the PFC-4064 control panel and some of its features.

Notification Circuits

Demonstrates how the NACs can be individually configured via the keypad.


Demonstrates how the inputs can be independently configured via the keypad.

Software Zones

Demonstrates how to map inputs and outputs via the keypad.

Dialer Programming

Demonstrates how to program both the built-in IP Communicator and the UD-1000 DACT via the keypad.

Additional Fire Training

Soft Keys

The functions and programming of soft key devices.

Printing Reports

Learn how to print reports from the programming software.


Learn how to share a common reporting technology.

PSN Series Power Supply

Learn about QuadraSync, Reference EOL, and more to save you time and money on your next fire alarm project.

PFC-6000 Learn Function

Demonstrates the LEARN function auto programming.

PAD100-SB/LFSB Programming

See how to easily program the PAD100-SB/LFSB on the AFC/IPA series panels.

Elevator Recall

Simply program elevator recall with drag-and-drop software.

Fire Drill Zone Programming

Set up and activate NACs for a fire drill.

SLC Device Addressing

Address SLC devices using the fire panel or hand-held programmer.

Disable and Enable

Disable or enable groups of points via the keypad or a key switch.

Supervisory Zone Programming

Learn how to create a zone for supervisory points.

Sprinkler Monitoring Panel

Learn about Potter's PFC-6006 Sprinkler Monitoring Panel.


Program the on-board dialer for the Sprinkler Monitoring Panel.

Testing Sensitivity

Test detector sensitivity from a PFC-6000 Series fire panel.

Facility Management Tool

Learn how to use Potter's innovative Facility Management software.

Setting a Static IP

Learn how to set a static IP address at the PFC-6000 series fire alarm control panel.

Troubleshooting IP Conflict - Windows 7

Learn how to troubleshoot IP conflicts in Windows 7.

Troubleshooting IP Conflict - Windows 8

Learn how to troubleshoot IP conflicts in Windows 8.

End User Video Guide

Several end user features of the Potter fire panels.

PFC-6075R Releasing Panel

Releasing features and characteristics of the PFC-6075R.

Software Shortcuts

A few software shortcuts that can save you time when using the programming software.

Walktest Feature

The suggested method for testing the PFC-6000 Series fire panels by using the built in walktest feature.


Locate an SLC device, find duplicate addresses, and see the status of a smoke or heat detector with PinPoint.

PSN Power Supply Installation

Installation video for the PSN Series power supply.

Programming Releasing Systems

How to program releasing systems with Potter addressable fire panels.

PVX-Series Overview

A brief overview of Potter voice panels.

PVX-Voice Panel Trouble Conditions

How to troubleshoot the voice panels based on LEDs.

PVX-Voice Panel Accessory Cards

The difference in accessory cards and how they are used.

HMX Form

How to properly fill out and complete an HMX voice panel order form.

FSAE Graphical Annunciator

Program a FSAE Graphical Annunciator on a Potter addressable fire alarm system.

Detector Status Report

Description of each element on the Potter Detector Status Report


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